Why is Water Filling Up In My Window Wells?
Why Is there Water in My Water Wells?
In today’s age almost all basements have window wells. They allow light into your basement’s space, making it seem more inviting and livable. Window wells are usually a semi-circular space and filled with gravel or rocks to support proper drainage.
Window wells have a lot of benefits, such as allowing the use of natural, not artificial, light into your basement. However, if not properly installed, you may experience a number of problems, and when you experience an abundance of water, you have an issue with water drainage.
Issues with your window well system can be due to:
- The system was installed incorrectly
- The size of the system wasn’t properly scaled or fitted
- The system has deteriorated over time
- There isn’t a cover on the system or it does not fit
- There is no drainage strategy for your exterior window well
What Do I Do After Finding an Issue in my Water Well System?
What United Waterproofing Does Differently
At United Waterproofing, we’re experts on fixing and preventing internal basement flooding, and we can help with external drainage systems. If you’re experiencing water buildup in your water well, you’ll need a drainage setup in your basement. We can connect a PVC pipe through your basement wall and connect it to a french drain system. Then we can connect it to your sump pump, where the water will be drained away from your home.